Wow, this is quite the new PR stunt for good ol' Coca-Cola. Who would have ever thought of making T-shirts out of plastic bottles? Coca-cola of course. Coke is yet another commonly criticized company that is stepping in to paint the world green by using recycled bottles to create a new clothing line for sale in Wal-Mart stores. Although I'm not sure how sincere Coca-Cola's efforts really are with this announcement, it's a great move and I give major kudos to Coke for thinking outside the box to jump on the green train. All in all, I think it will be a good way for the company to combat some of the criticism they have recently received in press surrounding their environmentally unfriendly practices, particularly appealing to the growing eco-friendly audience. Way to go Coke.
Now my only question to you is - Do you think Coke's new clothing line will actually gain traction in the fashion world? Would you sport a T-shirt made solely from recycled bottles?
My second question (okay so I guess the above wasn't my "only") - Why do you think Coke chose to sell their new line at Wal-Mart? Seems a bit contradictory to me, but nonetheless a good target fashion-wise.
*QUIZ* - How many cliche phrases did I use in the above blog post? Lol, too easy!
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