Friday, January 23, 2009

What have I been up to?

I know, I know, I've been fairly MIA the past two months, but not without good reason, I assure you! And definitely not absent from blogging. In fact, I've been blogging more than ever!

I suppose now is a good time to introduce my new blog to you all - Westbound Boarder. The blog is about boardsports, and its exclusively for women who ride (though we don't discriminate against men who'd like to read, too!) It is a project shared by a good friend and myself, and our hope down the road is to grow this into more of a support group and resource for women who snowboard.

This project has been a great way for me to step out of my PR shoes and see the other side of things - what it's like being pitched, what things affect traffic numbers, etc. - and it has really helped me understand the agenda of bloggers I work with on a daily basis. I've also been learning a lot about the technical side of things, which has been helpful just in simple conversation. And its a great way to combine my two hobbies - boardsports and blogging.

My goal with this blog (aka, my somewhat abandoned PR blog) is to completely rebrand and import to wordpress/self-host, now that I know a bit more about the platform and process.

Another blogging-related project I'm involved with is the Social 7 - a weekly video podcast conversation on the week's top 7 stories in social media and marketing. Starting by two coworkers and myself, it has been a fun project, and is helping build our brand as social media experts in the PR industry. Definitely check it out!

Until then, I'll try to post when I can until I have a chance to develop my snazzy new wordpress blog :)


Anonymous said...

Hi I saw your site off who is following twistup on twitter and you were one of them.

Let me know if you need any help with wordpress, I would love to help a fellow LA blogger.

Andrea said...

Thanks for the comment, Rob! I would love to eventually transfer this blog to WordPress and do a complete redesign/rebrand; however my first priority is Westbound Boarder, at the moment. Let me know what you think about the site! We could definitely use a tip or two :) Hope you enjoyed Twiistup last night!

Ali Runyan said...


Thank you for commenting on my blog recently! I look forward to reading your posts and your new blog about snowboarding. As a female snowboarder, I am sure I will find it interesting and useful! Thank you again!

Andrea said...

Thanks Ali, and thanks for checking out our new blog! If you ever have any story ideas (or want to be a guest blogger!) please do let me know. Good Luck!
